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Re: [m2e-users] Running single JUnit tests with maven in Eclipse

You can use Run as > Maven build ... on your project, enter test as the goal and define parameter test with value XxxxYyyyyTest#testAbc using Add ... button on the right side next to Parameter name / Value table.
(I'm not sure about # separator, if it does not work, try to use a .)

hope this helps,

On 02/20/2013 03:05 PM, Jeremie Bresson wrote:

According to this stackoverflow question [1], it is possible to run a single test with maven (I am new to maven):
  mvn -Dtest=XxxxYyyyyTest#testAbc test

I am looking for the same function in Eclipse (I assume it could be implemented in m2e):

On a JUnit java file, in a maven project, I want a menu "Run As... > Maven JUnit Test"

The first approach is to start maven run the specific selected test class (and even test method).
A very good integration would display the test result in the JUnit view and allow to rerun a specific test.

* Do you know if such a function exists?
* Is there some interest for m2e (as enhancement bug) or should it be implemented in a separate plugin?

Side note: I had a quick look at the jdt code. There is a JunitLaunchConfigurationDelegate class (org.eclipse.jdt.junit.core) and an extension point.

Thanks a lot for your inputs.

Jeremie Bresson.


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