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Re: [m2e-users] m2e generates stuff....

Am 23.01.2013 19:12, schrieb Kristian Lind:
Ubuntu 12.04
Eclipse Juno Service Release 1
m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse

I am using a existing maven project, what I so far dont know so much about.
When opening the project in eclipse i see that m2e generates some stuff
under target foler... why is this happening ?

This is because you're using m2e and entirely normal.
m2e needs to follow Maven conventions to use a Maven process for building projects. Which means you get a "target" folder instead of a "bin" folder (and different folders below that).

Be aware that m2e also takes control of various compiler settings, you need to set these from the pom.xml. Maven -> Upgdate Project Configuration transfers the pom.xml settings to Eclipse's Java configuration.


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