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Re: [m2e-users] wb-resource naive question

On 17/07/2012 17:03, Fred Bricon wrote:
m2e-wtp doesn't use /target/APPNAME. That folder is created during CLI builds, in the package phase.

In Eclipse w/ WTP, deployment is incremental and source folders are directly referenced for publishing. Typically :
- src/main/webapp will contain your web resources
- target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/ contain automatically generated web resources (and need to be referenced before src/main/webapp in the deployment assembly)

Now for overlays, if the referenced overlay is an archive, it'll be unzipped under target/m2e-wtp/overlays/<archivename>. Overlaid workspace projects are referenced with a custom handle in the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component. This settings allow overlay changes to be published on the fly.

Note that overlay support might vary depending on the server adapter you're using. I've been testing it with Tomcat and JBoss AS 7. For the moment Tomcat's "Serve modules without publishing" feature is not compatible with m2e-wtp's overlays, so you must use the stock settings which publish the modified resources to a staging area

You can look at for overlay project samples.
ok, thank you.

Maybe the problem is that I am using Tomcat 6. Can you please tell me more on how to use the stock settings ?


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