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Re: [m2e-users] Integration of maven bundle-plugin, inlined dependencies, visibility of dependencies from tycho projects

Thanks for the quick reply!

I can not promise anything,  as I don't know if i understand things under the hood of eclipse enough, but which projects would I have to have a look at to check if i can contribute something? Is this core m2e?

2011/12/16 Igor Fedorenko <igor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<Embed-Dependency>...;inline=true</Embed-Dependency> is not supported. I
didn't need it yet and can't tell when/if it will be added. We do
welcome quality patches (provided you are willing to sign our CLA).


On 11-12-16 6:32 AM, Markward Schubert wrote:

I was following the discussion between David and Igor in, as I
thought I have a pretty similar situation here.

We have a server- and a client-part of our product. I want to aggregate
those projects of the server-part which are ALSO needed on the
client-side into ONE bundle, to be able to identify this as THE
INTERFACE of our server from the client's perspective, rather than
having a bunch of bundles together being 'the interface'. By aggregating
I mean to let maven aggregate the packages of different other projects
into this 'artificial' bundle and still be able to see them with
workspace-resolution from PDE-built projects.

This did not work with the currently released versions of eclipse and
m2e, but it worked fine with the versions mentioned in So just to
give everybody hope, who is waiting for this to work: It worked with the
current milestones of PDE and m2e when the dependencies were declared to
be embedded!

Now my question: Originally we integrated our interface-project's
classes by inlining them into the artificial interface-bundle by simply
working with <Export-Package>. But also after upgrading to the mentioned
versions, inlined (or i should better say "to be inlined at
package-time") classes can not be seen by the eclipse build-system. Only
the content of projects, defined to be embedded with <Embed-Dependency>
is seen by the eclipse build-system.

Is there any known status of the capabilities of the
m2e-bundle-plugin-integration concerning inlined dependencies?


PS: This whole m2e/tycho thing is great work and it is a pleasure to see
how things constantly improve even more over the time! Thanks to all

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