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Re: [m2e-users] problems with m2eclipse & wtp

I have been trying some other things to attempt to get the project to deploy.  

I have upgraded "Maven Integration for WTP" to 0.14...  Also instead of using "Mark project as Deployable", I am using "Run As" ->"Run on Server".

Now I don't see problems with duplicated deployed artifacts, however, although the project appears to deploy ok, whenever making changes to the project I get the following errors and no changes are deployed:

Publishing failed
File not found: C:\workspaces\jboss\ProjectA\target\classes\META-INF\maven\com.pgi\ProjectA\
File not found: C:\workspaces\jboss\ProjectB\target\classes\META-INF\maven\com.pgi\ ProjectB\
File not found: C:\workspaces\jboss\ProjectC\target\classes\META-INF\maven\com.pgi\ ProjectC\

Projects A,B,C are dependent project that are part of the overall application.  The changes I made were not part of the main (webapp) project.

Does anyone have any idea what is going wrong here?

Thanks, Mitchell

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