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[m2e-users] state of hide folders of physically nested modules


I was trying to see if anyone knew the current state of "hide folders of physically nested modules" (HFOPNM) or where the issue is capturing future enhancements for it.  I am running m2e 1.0 in Eclipse 3.7 and I have the HFOPNM checked.

I let's say I have a multi-module project checked out and I import these using Import -> Maven Projects in eclipse

-- parent
------ child-a
------ child-b

In eclipse I (as expected after importing) see the following:

-- child-a
-- child-b
-- parent
------ child-a
------ child-b

If I (1) use ctrl+shirt+T to open a class then I only get one entry (again as expected regardless of the HFOPNM setting since the nested folders aren't Java projects to eclipse).  So that's good.  However (2) if I use ctrl+H to search in the workspace then I get duplicate hits one in the top-level project for the child and one in the nested folder.  Also (3) ctrl+shift+R shows duplicate entries: one in the child project and one in the folder under fuzzy-project.  Also, (4) Team synchronization is also duplicated. 

These are four areas that come to mind that I have noticed that multi-module projects cause some dissonance.  I realize this must be difficult (especially team sync as I expect that to be handled by the SCM plugin).

So a few questions:
1- what is the expected behavior of HFOPNM?  And is that an issue somewhere?  I found a JIRA issue from sonatype that seemed relevant but there was no info on it.
2- It indicates that its "experimental" does that mean that there are future enhancements to make it complete?  Or no one is sure if it works?
3- Are there any plans to improve this?  Is there an issue somewhere to capture thoughts/requirements?


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