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[m2e-users] Changing workspace dependency artifact path

Is there currently a way to customize the path that m2e returns for workspace artifacts when workspace resolution is enabled? I'm running into problems with flexmojos because m2e is returning projectName/target/classes for the artifact path of projects in the workspace instead of the path to the swc.

My initial idea was to write a configurator to change the path of workspace artifacts before running flexmojos:compile-swc but I can't see any way to accomplish this. It looks like m2e is setting the file on each artifact to match the project's output location. I tried changing each project's output location in the configurator but m2e is still sending the wrong path to flexmojos and I can't find any way to affect this. Is it possible to provide my own class as the "workspace reader" so I can resolve workspace artifacts to the correct path? Does anyone have any other ideas?


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