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Re: [m2e-users] Eclipse facets - Project nature


Yes, I know this...but sometimes we cannot choose between the 2 plugins !
>From my point of view, M2E offers the best solution since it is fully 
integrated to Eclipse...

At the present time, to start with M2E, I proceed as the following:
-1- creation of a new Eclipse project with eclipse:goal goal of 
-2- adding the M2Eclipse project nature,
-3- removing of useless Eclipse dependances,
-4- updating the M2E project configuration.

I do not know if the steps 1&2 retrieve all the configuration of my POMs.
In other word:  are there conflicts with the M2E extensions (WTP, AJDT, 
Checkstyle, ...) ?

In all cases, the maven plugin still seems necessary to preserve the 
specific configuration Eclipse (project nature & launchers, ...): if I'm 
right, this means that we need maintain a 'fake' configuration of the maven 
plugin !


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