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[m2e-dev] Alternative maven-compiler-plugin plugins?

Recent email noted that the stock m2e support for the
maven-compiler-plugin runs away if the compilerId is not javac. This
strikes me as a bit ironic in the presence of the eclipse alternative
-- someone who has gone to the trouble to use the eclipse compiler
inside maven will be turned away empty-handed if they then try to use

On another front, the groovy people are releasing an alternative
plugin which, if I understand it, causes the maven-compiler-plugin to
compile both java and groovy. All they need in a configurator is to
add the Groovy project nature on top of what m2e would usually do for
a vanilla java project.

It would seem as if it would be good to have an extension point?
somewhere to declare: 'The XXX compilerId is compatible with the javac
compilerId ... oh, and by the way, also please run this here
configurator class'

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