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[m2e-dev] Do you want a test case for possible problems with lifecycle management?


So, I'm in the process of debugging the pmd and checkstyle support modules.

Today, I installed my current snapshots into a workspace and imported
some projects that they should have covered. Things went wrong. I'm
sure that some of them belong to me, but ...

So, in spite of the fact that the plugins seemed to work on a trivial
case, Eclipse complained that the goals were not supported, and
offered to exclude them in the parent POM in the initial dialog. I
told it to go ahead.

Nothing happened. The POM didn't get edited. Next, I got a marker for
each POM with a description of 'null' attached to the 'parent' element
of the pom.

Then I got a bunch of markers like:

Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
(execution: validate, phase: validate)	pom.xml	/api	line 7	Maven
Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem

These offer a quick fix of excluding in the POM (but not in the parent
POM). If I take that option, no POM edit actually happens.

I could tell you where to find the obviously not quite working eclipse
plugins in github, and I bet I can find you some open source aggregate
project that has the same behaviors. Would that be helpful?

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