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[lyo-dev] How to manually set rdf:about in automatically created resources

So, I have this implementation of oslc4j working in our environment...
I am having a problem showing the proper URI in rdf:about for the returned service.. Here is an example:
If I goto the oslc interface:
I get the output from the service provider:
rdf:RDF xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:oslc="">

But it is set properly for the connection being returned because I set it manually
In the code I have this set for the path..
So, I assume the about is being set to the App/{path} instead of using the URI set for the service provider..

In the web.xml I setup the servlet mapping for the OSLC interface


So, the user has to goto localhost:<port>/App/oslc
For the service provider
For the connections and so on.

Is there a way around this by just setting the about for the response with the URI base..
Or do I need to work things in a different way.
Let me know if I need to include more information. I am not keen on all the naming of things yet,
so this explaination may seem confusing to some.
Sorry, I'm still new to OSLC.

Erica Brown

DASH/Blaze Software Developer
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