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[lyo-dev] Update to contributors guide - some Git suggestions

Some folks are new to Git and have been wondering the best way to
manage making changes to keep merges to a minimum.   There are many
good Git resources on the web from introductions to gory descriptions
of advanced branching and merging.  Here are a couple I've found

I've updated the Lyo contributor's guide [1] to include a description
of a process for making changes that some have found useful.   The
details using EGit or the Git command line are described.   The gist
of it is as follows:

- before making a change pull the latest code from Eclipse
- checkout a new local branch to make your change on
- make your change and commit it on the new branch
- checkout the master branch
- if it took a long time to make the change, pull from Eclipse again
to make sure you are up to date
- merge your local branch to master.  If there are merge conflicts,
resolve and commit again.
- push to Gerrit
- delete the topic branch, if desired

Hope that helps some.

[1] -


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