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Re: [location-iwg] Important: Top Level Project charter

You are having the same fun as I with with laying out scope; without quite knowing the background of your target audience has with respect to geospatial systems.

Suggestion, be a bit more clear how each scope point has a "LocationTech" flavour:
  • Developing and delivering location aware services for web, mobile, and desktop systems.
  • Storage, exchange, processing, and interpretation of the massive data volume encountered when working with spatial information
  • Apply Model based design in the context of geographic information systems
  • Aggregating and relating data from diverse sources using spatial (spatial intersection, overlaps and dissolve) and a-spatial techniques (such as geocoding)
  • The implementation of generally applicable geospatial standards (e.g., Open Geographic Consortium, ISO TC211, etc) 
Jody Garnett

On Tuesday, 11 September 2012 at 9:34 AM, Andrew Ross wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Our development process requires that we create a top level project
(TLP). This project does not contain code and serves to define the roles
and responsibilities within projects. Closely related with this top
level project is a project management committee (PMC) which helps guide
projects under this TLP.

It is likely that we'll create a TLP for each core area (mapping,
storage & processing, etc.). For now, it makes sense to get started with
a single common TLP.

I've written a first draft and posted it here in the wiki where others
can review and contribute to it:

If you would, please do take a moment to read and contribute feedback.
The charter for this project is not long - roughly a page in length.

Sorry for the short notice... we would like to finalize this so that it
can be shared with the Eclipse Foundation board for approval this month.
Missing this deadline means we wait 1 month for the next board meeting
which we'd like to avoid. Please send any feedback by 8pm EDT on Tuesday
September 11th.

I will be continuing to edit and make revisions myself to factor
feedback provided & what I learn from other TLP charters.

Thank you very much!

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