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[linuxtools-dev] [eclipse-build] 3.7 SDK test results


I fixed up eclipse-build to build the SDK tests and ran them on my
Fedora 15 laptop.  I can't guarantee that they'll run out of the box on
other OSes but I'm happy to take patches that fix this.  Running all the
tests took about 4 hours on my Core 2 Duo laptop.  This work is on
eclipse-build master [1].

Money page (watch out, > 7 MB):

We're still about the same percentage success that we were with 3.6:
99.82% (109 failures and 10 errors out of 65 447 tests run).  I briefly
glanced at some of the failures and errors.  Some of them are
assumptions in the tests about # of bundles, presence of deltapack [2],

I don't have time to track down every failure but myself and the other
eclipse-build committers will gladly take patches to get better results
or fix obvious errors in eclipse-build.

All results (XML and HTML):


commit b880d718e4

The delta pack is an archive containing fragments for platforms other
than the host (the native bits like SWT, etc.).

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