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Re: [linux-distros-dev] Gentoo packager / maintainer for Eclipse

Hi Jean-Noel,

On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 10:52 +0200, Jean-Noël Rivasseau wrote:
> Hello, I am a relatively new Gentoo developer on the Java team (since
> January 2008). My main role / current interest right now is packaging
> Eclipse for Gentoo.


> This has leaded to an unstable version of Eclipse Europa to be added
> to our tree.

What's unstable about it?

> In particular, my last post on the forums,
> has not been answered so far, so any help is appreciated.

I'm not a newsgroup guy myself.  Looking at your post, have you
considered working with the Orbit project to keep these third-party
libraries updated at

As for the issue you're seeing, it's complicated and I don't fully
understand it myself.  How did you "fiddle with the manifest in the
Junit 4 bundle to include a dependency to our local system hamcrest
jar"?  Things are extracted to your OSGi bundle cache (the 34/1/.cp
directory) when the bundles are initialized.  I'm not sure why this
particular JAR is being extracted, though.  Perhaps it's the way you
added it to the MANIFEST.MF of the bundle.  Does the hamcrest JAR you
have on your system have OSGi metadata in it?  If so, couldn't you just
add it as a bundle and make the junit4 bundle "Require-bundle" or
"Import-package" it?

We (Fedora) run the Equinox FileInitializer application to
pre-initialize our system-wide arch-specific directory
(/usr/lib{,64}/eclipse in this case) with shared libraries (.sos).  If
the above doesn't work, you could try doing that with the .jar file in
this case.



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