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[jwt-dev] More on JWT4SCOrWare

Hi all

Here is some fodder about JWT4SCOrWare I wrote for the future website. May be useful for the article, the presentation...


     Why JWT4SCOrWare

JWT4SCOrWare aims to prove, using SCA, that Open Source, BPM and SOA are a match in heaven that solves traditional BPM pitfalls, and brings together orchestration and workflow paradigms.

Historically, BPM promised to the entreprise to bring improved productivity, improved business monitoring, and business flexibility - by adapting to changes in business practices. However, its concrete implementations have been hardly quick and easy successes, mainly because they have been hampered by two rampant problems :

   * the BPM Babel Tower issue : (too) many incompatible paradigms,
     standards, implementations, tooling drives ease of integration
     down whereas BPM should foster it. Proprietary vendors didn't have
     any incentive in solving it, because it kept competition out. The
     answer is focus on openness, standards, integration specifications
     and interoperability tools, which the JWT community aims to provide.
   * evolution of the entreprise Information System : unmanaged System
     Information integration meant that whenever a BPM-integrated
     business application was deployed in a new version (which could be
     as simple as removing a column in a database), impacted BPM
     processes were in risk of not working anymore, with losses in
     business as a consequence. Proprietary vendors had less of an
     incentive in solving it, because it brought them a steady stream
     of incoming business, and anyway it just was not their job to do.
     The answer is loosely coupled integration and information system
     governance, which SOA provides.

As an Open Source SOA service platform, SCOrWare Frascati brings meaningful benefits to the" JWT for SOA" vision :

   * as an implementation of the SCA specifications, it is based on
     acknowledged standards, as well as being an heterogeneous, non
     intrusive answer to SOA
   * thanks to its SCA-provided unified service model, integrating
     Frascati once in a business process engine allows it to call
     services using any kind of supported protocols (Java, Web
     Services, RMI...)
   * being built on top of the OW2 Fractal component model, the service
     component model is at the heart of its architecture, making it
     flexible and extensible, IoC and AOP benefits being at the door
     among others
   * its efficiency relies on renowned, robust Open Source components,
     like Apache CXF.

Last but not least, JWT4SCOrWare brings a unique integration of SCA service orchestration within workflows (business processes involving human operators). This feature relies on JWT4xxx, a framework designed to, as easily and as compliant to standards as it can be, integrate a Java service platform within a Java business process engine. JWT4SCOrWare builds on it to achieve integration with the OW2 / Bull Bonita 3 workflow engine.

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