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Re: [jubula-rc-dev] Ask about Operation not supported by the selected toolkit. when using testexec to test RCP AUT that be implemented extension

Hi Nam Nguyễn Thành,

I've had another look at the extension you sent - everything seems to work here (in testexec as well). That, and the fact that it works in one of your environments, leads me to believe that there is something wrong with your deployment scenario and / or environment for the testexec.

The direction I can point you in is that the sources you have given me all appear to be correct. However, the error message from your attempt would suggest that a wrong class is being called. Somewhere, in your testexec setup, something different is happening.

We would be happy to help you find out what the difference is - I'm afraid we can't do that as general dev list assistance though. If you want us to provide dedicated and individual support for this (and any other) issue, then take a look at the professional support packages listed under:

If you do find the issue on your own, it would be great if you could post it to the dev list as well to help others in the community.

Best regards,

On 09.07.2013 14:36, Nam Nguyen Thanh [Up] wrote:
Hi Marvin,

I verified that rc rcp plugin and my fragment is installed in AUT when running the testexec.
And "ch.ivyteam.jubula.extension.toolkit" plugin specified to J2SE-1.6 in jubula's plugins directory. Because I just find the solution to fix so I tried to edit it and consequence likes your discovery.
And till now I have that problem.

Thank for your concern. And I hope I can resolve it by your support.

Best regards,

Nam Nguyễn Thành

From: jubula-rc-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [jubula-rc-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Marvin Müller [Marvin.Mueller@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 5:52 PM
To: jubula-rc-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [jubula-rc-dev] Ask about Operation not supported by the selected toolkit. when using testexec to test RCP AUT that be implemented extension

Hello Nam Nguyán ThÃnh,

I have looked into your problem and have some questions about your AUT
in the nightly jobs. Could you please verify that both the rc rcp plugin
(org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp) and your own fragment
(ch.ivyteam.jubula.extension.rc.swt) is installed in your AUT which is
used when running the testexec?

Another  issue could be that you have a
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.7" in your
"ch.ivyteam.jubula.extension.toolkit" plugin,but we are shipping the
standalone version of Jubula with version 1.6. It may help to set it to

Best regards,

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jubula-rc-dev mailing list

Mauernstr. 33
38100 Braunschweig

Tel.: +49-531-24330-0
Fax:  +49-531-24330-99

Geschäftsführer: Achim Lörke, Ulrich Obst, Andreas Vogel
Amtsgericht Braunschweig HRB 2450

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