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Re: [jubula-dev] Contribution: Generate Random Numbers

Debugging the RC component involves remote debugging and is described here:

Once you're able to debug the AUT(+RC), you should be able to see a lot more clearly what is going on. A good starting point might be to set an Exception breakpoint for org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.exception.EventSupportException.

As far as licensing goes, the EPL and Apache license are compatible in the sense that it is legal to include Apache-licensed libraries in EPL products. However, the Eclipse Foundation (in order to simplify an otherwise impossibly complex licensing scheme) imposes additional restrictions on Eclipse Projects. This is extrapolated from my impressions as a rookie Eclipse Committer, so anything I say on the topic should be taken with a grain of salt. A document on the topic that may present a more complete (and accurate) picture can be found here:

 - Zeb

On 13.09.2011 22:05, Michael Tänzer wrote:

reposted from the forum
I have done a little effort to implement it in the core. It's available
at git://

But somehow it doesn't really work. This could also be caused by a
broken build setup on my side. I tried to test it with the HTML toolkit
which I normally use but the AUT (firefox 3.5) doesn't even start when I
use the Eclipse for Testers upated with the packages from my local
own-built site. Maybe the HTML adapter is not provided via the
repository (shouldn't there be a org.eclipse.jubula.rc.html)?

When I use the Simple Adder swing example application the AUT does start
but I can't collect technical names in object mapping mode (the green
box doesn't show on hoover). This could be a incompatibility because I'm
on Linux but the object mapping does work if I use the Jubula Standalone
package from the web site as it is.

Next thing I tried was a test case with only the random number
generation execution step in it in order to work around the broken
object mapping mode, but then I only get the result "Step failed" of
type "Action Error" but I don't know how to get further information to
debug the problem.

I would really like to contribute but I'm struggling a bit here.


Achim wrote that the HTML RC code could not be distributed via because it's not EPL compliant. Why is that? Is there a
paticular library used that isn't compatible with the EPL?
As far as I understand the main work is done by selenium which is
published under the Apache license which should be compatible.

Have a nice day,
Michael Tänzer

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