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Re: [jetty-users] File upload fails on live system, works on development system

Oops, replied directly instead of to list -- sorry!

And I have now upgraded the development system to JDK 1.8.0_291, and it still uploads correctly, unlike the live system running 1.8.0_251 which fails. Everything works on the development rig, everything works on the live system *except* for multipart-form requests.

On 21/05/2021 15:24, John English wrote:
On 21/05/2021 12:02, Simone Bordet wrote:
1.8.0_251 and 1.8.0_172 are quite different, as 251 backported the
ALPN APIs and possibly also TLS 1.3 (don't recall on top of my head),
while the older version does not have those.

It may well be possible that you are using TLS 1.2 for your dev
environment, and TLS 1.3 for your live environment, and that's enough
of a difference.

OK, I'll try upgrading my development JDK and see what happens.

I would double check the release notes for those versions and make
sure that your server TLS configuration is sound for both, especially
regarding cipher inclusion/exclusion.

Can you what I should be looking at here? I'm using 9.4.39 out of the box for SSL -- my start.ini has the default --module=ssl config (jetty.ssl.port=8443, everything else commented out) and I don't see what controls the cipher suite config (nor do I want to mess with it particularly...)

For example, you may have configured the server to include only
certain ciphers that were working with TLS 1.2, but are disabled in
TLS 1.3 (because they are weak or vulnerable), leaving no ciphers to
negotiate and therefore failing all connections.

Hmm. Except it isn't failing all the connections, only the multipart-form ones.

Thanks for all the help, and meanwhile I'll see what happens with JDK 1.8.0_291 (can't get hold of 251 for windows any more, sigh).

John English

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