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[jetty-dev] example jetty osgi


I've started an example-jetty-osgi module under jetty-osgi

It's working towards just a simple static setup of a server with
osgi, using config.ini to install/start all the required bundles.

I've made a few changes to the osgi-boot stuff to make this work:

 + reformatted to jetty standards (sorry can't help myself)
 + fixed NPE if there is no lib/ext directory
 + create a default server configuration if there is no etc/jetty.xml
 + better passing of _server to the XmlConfigurations in case of multiple XML files.

It can be started with:

  cd jetty-osgi/example-jetty-osgi/target/osgi-example
  java -Djetty.home=. -jar osgi-3.5.0.v20090520.jar -console

It would be good to avoid having to set jetty.home and if it is
not set, have it default to ".".  I see you have some default
jetty.home code already, but it appears to be PDE related.  Can you
explain what that logic is and let's see if we can work out a way
to detect if "." can be used.

I see that you are looking for ContextDeployer and WebappDeployer
instances.  What do you use these for?    In any case, these are
being deprecated and replaced by the DeployerManager. So it would
probably be good to remodel the OSGi stuff as a deployment manager

anyway, hope you are having a good break... and if you do happen to
come online, ping me on IRC and we can have a chat about this.


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