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[incquery-dev] Viewers refactoring, help needed

Hi all,

I have committed a refactoring of the Viewers Framework internals, namely the switch from …List to …Set. The main motivation behind this change is that 1) observable pattern match results are (mathematically) sets anyway
2) many useful operations (e.g. search) are much faster over sets
3) these operations are necessary to efficiently support runtime validation features (e.g. dangling edge detection).

Some additional (small) API changes were necessary to hide the internal implementation from client code, so that the switch from …List to …Set can be made easily (i.e. without having to touch client code further on).

Unfortunately, the Set-based implementation doesn't work well yet:
- Items are handled correctly, but Edges and Containments are not
- it seems that the combination of UnionSet with ComputedSets is the culprit
- but I am not sure about the correctness of my itemMap implementation either.

I would be very grateful if someone knowledgeable (e.g. Zoli) could take a look at the code and help figure out why it is not working correctly.


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

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