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Re: [imp-dev] Bootstrapping IMP.runtime?

Hi Jurgen,

I'm not sure what to do about this. On the face of it, your comment about avoiding LPG dependencies seems entirely reasonable. On the other hand, this basically implies that no part of IMP can depend on *any* parsing technology. That seems
too restrictive.

I can see where requiring a particular parsing technology for the language- specific stuff would be *real bad*, and against IMP's basic design goals. I don't think that runtime dependencies on LPG (or SDF, or ANTLR, or whatever) aren't
a problem.

That said, please remember that we now have the necessary IP approvals for
our dependencies on LPG, and can now distribute the LPG runtime from the
IMP update site. So our users won't have to go to multiple update sites any

In fact, in general, requires that we distribute all non- Eclipse dependents from the IMP update site, so this isn't just
the result of our wish for simplicity.

On Jan 21, 2009, at 10:12 AM, Jurgen Vinju wrote:

Hi guys,

I noticed that a .g file is now part of org.eclipse.imp.runtime, which implies that one needs LPG meta-tooling to be able to compile the IMP run-time and that the IMP run-time now depends on the LPG run-time.
(import org.eclipse.imp.parser.IParse)

I propose to factor out this dependency in a separate package. Because currently the IMP run-time depends on LPG, both build-time and run-time, we've introduced a bootstrapping dependency that can be avoided. Furthermore we burden users of IMP-runtime with an extra dependency. I.e. everybody that uses a different parsing technology will also have to deploy LPG to their users.

Also, for my development team at CWI, who currently check out IMP run-time without having to install
LPG or LPG meta tooling, this added dependency is an unwanted feature.

 - Bob

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