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[ice-dev] Fwd: Help Desk | JIPP instance for Eclipse ICE (#3827)


FYI - Our JIPP has been recreated. I'm going to try to get the build going later today.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Pawel Stankiewicz (@pstankie) <gitlab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: Help Desk | JIPP instance for Eclipse ICE (#3827)
To: <jayjaybillings@xxxxxxxxx>

Pawel Stankiewicz commented:

A GitLab bot user for has been created, along with credentials that have been added to the CI instance (SSH credentials ID: ).

A webhook that will trigger CI jobs has been added as well.

The recommended way of creating a GitLab triggered job and handle merge request is as follows:

* create a Multi-branch pipeline job

* in your job config under "Branch Sources > Add source" select "GitLab project"

* select Checkout Credentials: "ice-bot (GitLab bot (SSH))"

* select Owner: eclipse/ice

* select Projects: e.g. eclipse/ice/ice

* select branches to build, etc

The The Eclipse Integrated Computational Environment JIPP on Jiro is available here now:



* Publishing to requires access via SCP. We've added the credentials to the JIPP. Please see for more info.

* To simplify setting up jobs on our cluster-based infra, we provide a pod template that can also be used with freestyle jobs. The pod template has the label "centos-7" which can be specified in the job configuration under "Restrict where this project can be run". The image contains more commonly used dependencies than the default “basic” pod template.

* You can find more info about Jenkins here:

Please let us know if you need any additional plug-ins.

View it on GitLab.
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Jay Jay Billings, Ph.D.

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