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Re: [ice-dev] Request to download macosx.x86_64 binaries.


The latest binaries are available from

Detailed information on getting the source is available at

and the repo is at

If you give me some more details on what you are trying to do, I'll write up some suggestions for you and provide some better pointers.


On Jun 9, 2015 6:43 PM, "Christoph Statz" <christoph.statz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear ICE developers;

I’d like to use/try/extend ICE for simulation pre- and post-processing.
I would appreciate if you would provide the necessary binaries/sources (target platform is kepler/mac64).

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,
Christoph Statz

Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Statz
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Lehrstuhl Hochfrequenztechnik
Helmholtzstr. 18
01062 Dresden

Tel: 0351 - 463 32287
Fax: 0351 - 463 37163
Email: christoph.statz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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