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Re: [iam-dev] Re: [technology-pmc] Advice on how to request pre-req dependency for the Maven Embedder

Of course, due to wonderful semantic ambiguities in the English language, it's entirely possible that you're asking the IP team to advise what the definition of "beta" or "release" status is... I'm assuming that this was not the intent.

So... by "release" I mean the version that you want to include as part of your project download.

Actually, your more succinct form of the ultimate question puts my ramblings to shame.

Another question, if the maven-embedder (and subsequent related maven downstream deps) are all released using a non-beta word in the version string, how does that affect the submittal to the IP Team?

I have some experience here, being involved in the Apache Archiva project (an Artifact Repository server).

Here's a sampling of the most common non-numeric keywords found in various release quality artifacts as determined by their respective projects.

a, alpha, b, beta, current, debug, dev, fcs, final, g, gold, incubating, incubator. latest, m, milestone, nightly, pre, rc, release, test, unofficial.

These are the most common words found in version strings in the various artifact repositories flagged as release quality around the world.  (Including central, atlassian,, googlecode, and a variety of projects)

Another point to make, is that this (limited list of) keywords I have presented are also present on SNAPSHOT repositories, before the SNAPSHOT indicator such as 1.2-alpha-4-SNAPSHOT.  

To the maven universe, only SNAPSHOT is considered unstable and a non-release.
This difference between Eclipse terminology and Maven terminology causes no end of miscommunication, and I feel a strong urge to educate and attempt to bring together the two divering viewpoints.

So yes, (i'm rambling again, sorry), I would love to have a dialog with regards to "what is a release?".

- Joakim Erdfelt
Apache Archiva PMC
Apache Continuum PMC
Apache Maven PMC

Thanks for the Maven primer.


Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
What constitutes "a release" in the eyes of Eclipse?

I've had a hard time with this philosophical difference in opinion between
Eclipse and Maven.
Eclipse apparently doesn't have a "not ready yet" or "unstable" version
>From what I can tell, every build is "a release" in the Eclipse world.

Within maven, there are 2 levels of release.

The lowest level being SNAPSHOT, which indicates actively being developed
A SNAPSHOT has no other implied meaning other than "being developed".
SNAPSHOT artifacts are deployed onto an artifact repository designated for
SNAPSHOT quality code only [1].

To progress out from SNAPSHOT you implement the maven release process [2],
using the maven-release-plugin [3].
The release process, simply stated, fixes a SNAPSHOT in time with a fixed
version indicator, and deploys it to an artifact repository designated for
RELEASE quality code.
However, this fixed version indicator can be anything, including verbiage
such as "alpha", "beta", "milestone", "rc", etc.
These keywords are not standardized, nor have any meaning to maven or other
projects wanting to use the dependency, it is simply a decision by the
project to use those keywords.
In the case of maven projects, these keywords are ultimately meaningless, as
the code has already gone through the release process with a fixed in time
quality of code and binary.

NOTE: The release process updates all versions to the one chosen during the
release process by the release coordinator.  This version is then used
internally in all metadata and source code, as well as for source code
control tagging, and automated release notes generation from the bug
tracking system.

My question is then, if a release is made, using the maven-release-plugin,
using the maven release process, which in turn releases the code in question
to an artifact repository designated for release quality code, with a
release tag in source control, and a full set of release notes, is this code
now considered "a release" in the eyes of


- Joakim Erdfelt

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Any idea how far away the maven embedder is from a real release?


Abel Muiño wrote:

Hello PMC,

The IAM ( team would like to request pmc
and guidance for declaring a pre-req dependency on the maven embedder.

The maven embedder is a set of libraries that allow the use of maven from
host application (in this case, IAM).

The maven embedder is still under development (i.e. not released) so we
asking for a pre-req dependency to be able to use snapshots of current
development. Our goal will be to process CQs for the embedder components
once they reach the beta or release status, as adviced by the IP team.

The maven embedder is part of maven 3.0 and developed at the apache
foundation. Its dependencies are either ASL or MIT licensed.

The packaging of the embedder components as an eclipse bundle (and
is currently done on a non-eclipse project at googlecode ( Another packaging is also available from the
project (also outside of eclipse).


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