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Re: [higgins-dev] build: what are these files?

I did look at from that view, and that's when I noticed they were out of date.  The Bundle-Classpath in the manifest has up-to-date jar dependencies, while the list in was rather old and was only a subset of what was in the Bundle-Classpath.

I see that the pluginBuilder auto-generates some, but in a temp.dir.

Are we sure that the found at the root of our projects is still used?  If so, do we need to bring them up to date with what's in our manifest files? 

>>> Valery Kokhan <vkokhan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10/13/07 3:01 PM >>> 

If you open plugin's manifest (either "META-INF\MANIFEST.MF" or
"plugin.xml") file in the Eclipse IDE to edit plugin's properties
you'll see as one of the tabs there.

So, "" is a Eclipse plugin specific file which (along
with "META-INF\MANIFEST.MF" and\or "plugin.xml" files) contains all the
information required to build Eclipse plugin.

As for buildaux.xml.old_ files they actually could be removed now -
they are just renamed buildaux.xml files which we used before started
to generate them.


Saturday, October 13, 2007, 11:12:53 PM, you wrote:

> nearly every project has a "" and "buildaux.xml.old_"

> Do these serve any purpose? If not let's delete them -- they only
> serve to confuse the person trying to get their head around the already confusing build process.

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