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Re: [higgins-dev] Discovering configurable elements and theirstructure for a configurable component

Title: Re: [higgins-dev] Discovering configurable elements and theirstructure for a configurable component

My first cut at a SettingDescriptor class contains the following instance variables:

Name (string)
Type (class)
DisplayString (string)
DocString (string)
Constraints (Map)
SubSettings (List)

The Constraints is where all that other stuff goes.  Different constraints are relevant for different setting types.  E.g., minValue makes sense for int/float, but not stream.  So the manager can query for a particular constraint — if null returned, then that constraint was not specified.   Or can iterate through all constraints, etc.  Constraint is a string/value pair.

There are some “standard” constraint strings defined as static variables in SettingDescriptor, but any implementation could always do more.  


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