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Re: [higgins-dev] configuration update

In my case (so far), there's only one class in common.  Seemed a little silly to make it a separate project.  But I understand that a non-XML configuration handler will have no interest in including the axiom jar file.


Jim Sermersheim wrote:
I guess I'm trying to let the perceived need for separate (smaller) jar files guide me in separating projects.
Funny, after seeing the term "common" I gravitated toward that over "impl". I plan to rename to "common" and make it a separate project.  It will contain things which consumers may find convenient, but not necessary for their consumption of IdAS.

>>> "Tom Doman" <TDoman@xxxxxxxxxx> 5/22/07 10:18 AM >>>
1. I'd vote for XMLConfigurationHandler.
2. In IConfigurationHandler.configure, is the mapConfigurationSettings parameter only an OUT parameter?
3. I think Jim's approach with IdAS has been to do separate projects though I don't mind separate packages.  Maybe Jim can weigh in on why the move toward separate projects.  I think that was mostly so developers could choose just the pieces that they absolutely needed.


>>> Greg Byrd <gbyrd@xxxxxxxx> 5/22/2007 9:54 AM >>>

Here's what I've done in my local workspace for the configuration stuff.  I'd like some feedback before checking in.

(1) Changed org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.common to org.eclipse.configuration.impl.  Includes two packages: ...configuration.common and ...configuration.xml.  The first holds ConfigurableComponentFactoryHelper, and the second holds all of the other implementation stuff from Mike.

(2) Moved all XML-specific stuff (ISettingHandler) out of org.eclipse.higgins.configuration.api.

(3) Added IConfigurationHandler interface in the api package.  It has the following three methods, modeled after Mike's ConfigurationHandler class:

    public abstract void setConfigurationBase(String str); -- set directory for finding config files (if any)
    public abstract boolean configure(java.util.Map mapConfigurationSettings) throws Exception;  -- create config mapping
    public abstract java.util.Map getSettings() throws Exception; -- return config mapping

Except for package names, Mike's code should still work.  (Any votes for changing ConfigurationHandler to XMLConfigurationHandler?)

Comments?  I wasn't sure about whether to do separate projects for the impl stuff vs. separate packages.


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