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Re: [higgins-dev] Digital Identity and IContext open() method

It's not that we want users to create/use identities in the Higgins Framework. It's more that we want to allow other standard representations -- those typically used to perform authentication and authorization -- to be passed in. An example would be an X.509 certificate or a SAML token
with username and password.

Sure...but they do have to be created in process at some point...and it's the creation that typically ends up doing the authentication and association of a extensible/provider-specific way. No?

In our case, it's the Context (or more specifically, the underlying data repository) that determines the policy for accessing the data. It's not the provider. The provider knows what to do with the data once it's available. For example, an LDAP ContextFactory knows how to access an LDAP directory in order to get the attributes that it needs. But different LDAP directories might have different authentication requirements, so the provider would not know at implementation time what types of ID tokens will be needed for the Contexts that it will manage.


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