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Re: [henshin-dev] Henshin model: Containment edge missing

Hi Claudia,

Henshin targets the transformation of EMF instance models. These instance models are collections of arbitrary EObjects. In the interpreter API, we use EGraphs as a representation of these instance models.

The Graph class in the Henshin model has an entirely different purpose, as it describes *patterns* of instance graphs used for defining rules. Although it is technically possible to encode an EMF instance model into a Henshin Graph, I think that this is not a good solution. If someone wants to describe and persist an instance model, I think it makes more sense to do it directly in EMF and not to encode it into a Henshin Graph.

A second reason for the removal of this containment edge was that I think it is better to separate instance models, transformation models, and metamodels from each other (also keeping them in distinct files). In EMF, also no one would attempt to store an instance model in an *.ecore file, because these two models live in different worlds (type level vs. instance level).

If you need to save instance models, why don't you just store them in separate files (e.g. *.xmi)?


On 07/19/2012 01:10 PM, Claudia Ermel wrote:
Hi Christian,

we are currently on our way updating the Berlin graphical editors to the new Henshin model,
and we miss very much a containment edge from transformation system to graph.
This edge used to be there before July 13, and we need it urgently for our instance models (the ones to be transformed) which are shown in our editor as Henshin graphs.
These graphs are not contained in rules or formulas, but need to be contained somewhere.

Could you please add this containment edge to the model again?


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