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Re: [gyrex-dev] target platform setup problems

Yep, I'm using mac ;).

That is why I'm avoiding to install the org.eclipse.gyrex.features.sdk and trying to install the features one by one.

I could see that RAP Target Components feature installs, so could you add it to org.eclipse.gyrex.features.dependencies.admin, too ?

btw, you are using a old version of gemini-jpa (1.1.0RC1) in org.eclipse.gyrex.features.dependencies.eclipselink.



On 03/12/12 04:14, Gunnar Wagenknecht wrote:
Am 02.12.2012 23:04, schrieb Cristiano Gavião:
well, using the suggested target that contains
org.eclipse.gyrex.features.sdk from milestones repo have resolved the
javax.xml problem but still installs broken bundles.

Ok, so I'll investigate thet javax.xml issue.

As for the screenshots, those are fine (IMHO). The *.test bundles don't resolve because of a missing JUnit. That usually comes when you also add the PDE JUnit runtime (org.eclipse.pde.junit.runtime.addon) from any Eclipse Update site. It's required when you want to run JUnit plug-in tests.

The others are platform specific fragments. A non-matching platform filter just prevents the fragment from attachting to its host on non compatible platforms. From the ones listed in the screenshot I'd say your not on Windows and not on Linux but on a Mac. ;)


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