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Re: [gyrex-dev] dealing with modularization...


Am 28.11.2012 15:20, schrieb Cristiano Gavião:
I could note that gyrex product has more than one application, being one
visible, ok.

Do you mean OSGi applications or HTTP applications?

but what is the rule for my own apps creation? I mean, when should I
create an application or just add features/bundles ?

I assume you are speaking about OSGi applications. So there is some history. First we associated roles only with bundles. This meant that everything was tight to the bundle activator start/stop. At some point we came up with the idea of using OSGi applications instead of the bundles. The motivation was that they would give us more flexibility long term. Thus, we migrated to OSGi applications. We are now no longer tight to bundles and can refactor applications into different bundles (if necessary).

how could I setup bundles that needs to auto-start, for example
gemini-jpa and eclipse-link ?

I created:

Let me know if I need to add more explanations to that page.

and how to setup a default p2 url ?
should I create my own product for that?

That's something we haven't had yet. p2 URLs are stored in ZooKeeper. The p2.inf won't work here. I think one possibility would be to write a small initialization role that checks on cloud connect if the data has been initialized already and inserts the necessary data into ZooKeeper if not (using P2Activator.getInstance.getRepositoryManager).


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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