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Re: [gmf-dev] Tiger GMF Transformation

Hi GMF Team,

I've attached a PDF file with an overview of model and wizard changes (mainly screen shots) of the GMFtrans extension, as discussed in the last developer call.

Please let me know if this is helpful and what further description do you need.

Best wishes,

Richard Gronback wrote:
Hi Karsten,

Thanks for the additional info.  I've added this to our GMF Dev call agenda
for tomorrow's call:

It would be helpful if you could join and discuss in more detail.


On 9/10/07 8:36 AM, "Karsten Ehrig" <karstene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Richard,

I've attached a PDF file describing an overview of the changes.

Here are answers to your questions below:
1. No API changes required
2. GMFtrans uses JET (as in GMF2.0M3) while GMF2.0 uses XPand.
There are only some changes in a few number of GMF templates.
JET is also used by the Tiger EMF Transformer.
3. no 3rd part libraries involved (we would only consider the Tiger EMF
Compiler for contribution).

Best wishes,

Richard Gronback wrote:
Hi Karsten,

Perhaps an overview of what was changed could be provided?  Based on the PSF
file you provide on the website, it seems both the tooling and runtime
components of GMF have been altered.  It's tough to consider any
contribution without a clear understanding of the impact it represents to
the current code base.  Pulling modified GMF sources from your repository
doesn't make it easy to determine.  Patches are the typical "Eclipse way" of
providing contributions of this nature.

Some important questions we'd need answered are:

1. Are there API changes required for this contribution to be accepted?
2. Could the addition of Tiger functionality be accomplished using the
current extensibility options (model extension/decoration, Xpand template
overrides/aspects, etc.)?  What changes could we make to allow for Tiger to
be added in this manner?
3. Finally, just to be explicitly clear about 3rd party libraries used,
nothing outside the EMF Transformer code also being considered for
contribution is utilized?

Thanks again,

On 9/4/07 4:11 PM, "Karsten Ehrig" <karstene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Richard,

up to now, we support Eclipse3.3M2 and GMF2.0M3. Adapting the code to
the released 2.0 stream requires lots of changes which we like to do
only if you definitely consider a contribution. In this case we would be
also glad to discuss a contribution of the related Tiger EMF Transformer
code to EMF or EMFT.

Best wishes,

Richard Gronback wrote:
Hi Karsten,

And what is the progress on becoming part of GMT?  We'd not likely
a dependency from GMF to a component in GMT; that is, outside of something
we'd include in our "experimental" SDK.

I'd be helpful to assess the impact of the changes you've made if a patch
were attached to a bugzilla using the released 2.0 stream code base.


On 8/31/07 4:37 PM, "Karsten Ehrig" <karstene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Richard,

in fact we already got an invitation from Jean Bezivin to join GMT with
the Tiger EMF Transformation Project (short EMT).

Maybe EMT could be also used in the GMF generator:

"Like in EMF, the GMF Generator model can be automatically
created from high-level models. Unlike in EMF, GMF
significantly reorganizes the diagram description while creating
Generator model. The transformation from high-level GMF
models to Generator model is not one-to-one transformation like
in EMF, so more powerful techniques are used here. Currently
this transformation is hand coded in Java classes, while some
model-to-model transformation techniques could be used there in
the future."

Best wishes,

Richard Gronback wrote:
Hi Karsten,

I'm just starting to take a look at this, and wondered if there were
to contribute the dependent EMF Transformation Project code to EMF (or
EMFT)?  I see it's all released under EPL, or are there additional
that have another license?


On 8/20/07 10:50 AM, "Karsten Ehrig" <karstene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Richard,

great, that we are still involved.

A user and developer documentation for our extension is now available

Moreover a ZIP bundle containing all projects and a project set file for
source code installation from the CVS repositories is available at:

Up to now, we do require Eclipse3.3M2 and GMF2.0M3. This is because the
extension is mostly implemented as patch/extension for the described

Please let us know your opinion about the current version. Is there a
chance to integrate the Tiger GMF Transformation in GMF 3.0?
If you consider a contribution we are happy to help with adapting the
code to the current GMF version.

Best wishes,
Karsten (on behalf of the Tiger developer team)

Richard Gronback wrote:
Hi Karsten,

Sure, we remember!  I'll give the latest a try.  The last time I tried,
was a rather involved configuration.

Any chance some of the documents on the website are translated to


On 7/19/07 1:46 AM, "Karsten Ehrig" <karstene@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Team,

hopefully you remember our group from the kick-off meeting where we
promised to implement complex editor operation support in GMF.

Andre Crema and Rene Schmutzler completed this work in their diploma
thesis for GMF 2.0M3:

Please let us know whether there is still a need or a chance to
integrate this extension in GMF.

Best wishes,
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Attachment: GMFtransModelChanges.pdf
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