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[gef-dev] Non EObject related editpart in a GEF+EMF application

I'm creating a graphical editor for my EMF based model.
My model does not have a top level container. I want to represent the contents edit part as a white freeform surface. The model objects can be dropped on this freeform surface. How can I read/write such a model, where the top level container object is not an EMF EObject.
Here are some details if someone can help me with some information or pointers -
I have an EMF model which has three top level entities - Case, Contact or ChangeRequest.
Each of these top level entities can have subentities.
The XML representation of my model instances will be as follows -
<Contact >
    <Name ...>
    <Address ..>
    <Phone ..>
    <email ..>
The top level entity could be a Contact, a Case or a ChangeRequest.
I want to show an empty white surface in a new edit page. The user could drag and drop any of the three container objects (Case, Contact ..) on the white form. 
Question: If I use an arbitrary class as the model for the contents edit part, how can I use the EMF services to write the contents of this root model. What do I need to do to read such a model instance, where the root does not correspond to the root of the EMF file instance.
Thanks a bunch

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