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[gef-dev] Poll about connection anchor usage

How many of you are calling the method Figure#fireFigureMoved() directly from your code?  Or in general if you are notifiying FigureListener#figureMoved(...)

This notification is currently relied upon by AbstractConnectionAnchor so that it can notify when it's absolute location has changed, which requires that any attached connections be re-routed.  The problem is that "figure moved" occurs too often and in situations where the connection's don't really need to be re-routed.  One example is when the editor is resized.  The root figure's width changes, which notifies every anchor and reroutes every connection.  This can be a performance problem.

My proposed solution is to create a new type of notification for  "coordinate system" changes.  Most figures are not coordinate systems, and would not need to fire this notification.  But anyone currently notifiying figure moved would be broken because anchors would no longer be depending on this type of notification.

The response to this poll will determine the way in which we provide backwards compatibility.  thanks!


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