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Re: AW: [geclipse-dev] GSISSH

> Unfortunately it is not that easy. "com.jcraft.jsch" is nowhere used
> directly, it is used by org.eclipse.jsch.core (and .ui), which then are
> used by the (g-)Eclipse plugins. Those plugins for example provide the
> possibility to change the ssh settings in the preferences.
> To make them use a "eu.geclipse.jsch" plugin those also would have to be
> changed. If we use our modified plugin directly without those plugins we
> loose the possibility to for example change the private keys in the
> preferences.

uhm... yes, you are right...

> Besides that if we could replace/extend the com.jcraft.jsch plugin all
> plugins that use ssh (not only the ones from g-Eclipse) could use the
> additional authentication mechanism.

well, the problem there is the "interaction" with the rest of the world ;-)
Depending on the details of the version numbering the result of later 
updates are undefined... and either the gEclipse functionality or the one 
from other installed features might break.

On the other hand if we manage to push your changes to the upstream author 
they will end up in the Orbit bundle used by Eclipse... :)
We could write them an email (they welcome suggestions etc in 
jsch@xxxxxxxxxx) and ask.
  How does/would your code connect to Globus? is it still possible to have 
your modified jsch plugin and use the other auth mechanisms even if you 
don't have any globus library around?


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