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[geclipse-dev] FW: Cleanup of the Technology SVN repository.

Hi all

The SVN repository will be "moved" on the comming weekend. That means, that
you can not commit code during the movement. 

The repository - and its revision numbering schema - will stay as before. 
It is just a short outrage of the commit function.


Dr. Harald Kornmayer
Senior researcher

NEC Laboratories Europe 
IT Research Division
Rathausallee 10 
D-53757 Sankt Augustin

Phone: +49 2241 92 52 57 
Fax:   +49 2241 92 52 99
Email: harald.kornmayer@xxxxxxxxxxxx

NEC Europe Ltd., Registered Office: NEC House,
1 Victoria Road, London W3 6bL,
Registered in England 2832014

-----Original Message-----
From: Webmaster(Matt Ward) [mailto:webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 6:16 PM
To: Bjorn Freeman-Benson
Cc: harald.kornmayer@xxxxxxxxxxxx; O'Flynn, Dennis; andy@xxxxxxxxxx; Mary
Ruddy; Abel MuiƱo; Robert M. Fuhrer; Andrew Overholt; Eugene Kuleshov;
Buchen, Andreas; Barbara.Rosi-Schwartz@xxxxxxxxx; EXT-Dunne, Donald G;
Henrik Lindberg; Igor Vinnykov; oliver.wolf@xxxxxxxxx; Trip Gilman
Subject: Cleanup of the Technology SVN repository.

Hello Project leads,

  With the recent move of the Persistence project from the Technology to 
RT top level project, we have had an chance to re-evaluate our 
subversion repository layout.  We have concluded the current 'everything 
under one umbrella' approach is not scalable as projects continue to 
move and grow.  As such we are moving to a 'one project, one repository' 
setup which should improve both our ability to scale and ease 
transitions from one project to another.  So what does all of this mean 
to you?  Well it means that we need to make changes to the Technology 
repository to break you all into individual repositories instead of one 
large one.  As far as your committers are concerned these changes should 
be invisible, your code will not change anything other than it's 
physical location on the filesystem.

We would like to do this move for all of you on either August 9-10 or 
August 16-17.  There are 2 things that need to be decided, the first is 
when, and everyone will move on the date chosen by the majority of 
projects.  Secondly each project will need to decide if they want to 
'alter' their revision history.  As part of generating the dump files 
for each project I can either insert blank commits to keep all of your 
current revision info as it stands, or we can skip those blank commits 
and re-number all of your revisions. 

I've included a copy of the move plan so that you know what will happen 
on the day of the move:

- Set Technology repository as read only
- Dump Technology repository -> svnadmin dump /home/data/svn/technology 
 > /home/local/data/svn/svn.dump
- Archive existing Technology repository
- Split out repos for each project -> svndumpfilter include 
org.eclipse.project < svn.dump > project.dump [OR]  svndumpfilter 
--drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs include org.eclipse.project < svn.dump 
 > project.dump
- Create new repo -> svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs 
- Copy original config files
- Correct permmissions -> /home/data/svn/setup 
/home/data/svn/technology/org.eclipse.project pl technology-svn
- Edit dumpfile to remove leading org.eclipse.project
- Load dump file -> svnadmin load 
/home/data/svn/technology/org.eclipse.project < 
- Set ACLS for HTTPS access
- Re-enable write on repository

If you have any questions please let me know.



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