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[geclipse-dev] Can we NOT use FileStateRepository from GRIA library?


I'm researching job submission to GRIA, and have one point to discuss, especially to GRIA experts from IT-Innovation.

I'm convinced we should store Job objects for submitted jobs in g-Eclipse model. What means for job submitted to GRIA, should be created GridJob object with related IResource (IFolder with contents) in user's workspace.

For job submission we will use GRIA library. I see this library uses own model to store objects: StateRepository. I see 2 implementations of this repository: MemoryStateRepository and FileStateRepository.

MemoryStateRepository doesn't store objects between sessions.

I have following problem.
1. Today user is sending job to GRIA and closing g-Eclipse
2. Tomorrow user is starting g-Eclipse and want to check current job-status, download output files created by job etc.

Should I use FileStateRepository to create JobConversation needed to check job status?

I'd like to abandon using FileStateRepository, because g-Eclipse has own repository for submitted jobs.

Is there another possibility to check job status for job with given job-id (without using FileStateRepository)?

Mariusz Wojtysiak

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