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[geclipse-dev] Action Item: IP issues, moving code to

Hi *,

your action is required - so please read on and help me by this task!

Now that Europa will be ready in a few weeks, there is time to start with a 
major and very important g-Eclipse task: Solving open IP related issues and 
moving the remaining code (i.e. the middleware specific parts) to 
after we got the necessary approval. g-Eclipse is now in a state where we can 
judge about which 3rd party library is necessary and which version is 
compatible and working with the middleware implementations.

For that reason I compiled a listing which is attached to this email. In that 
document you will find a list of 3rd party libraries (.jar, .so, .dll) among 
some other files (.xsd, ...). All of them must go through the Eclipse legal 
process before we can move our code!

Check especially the following:

- Is the library still necessary?
- Please complete the missing parts of the document. I need at least the 
  information about the license, version, location of source and binaries.
- I need at least the complete information for the following plug-ins:
   * (Pawel)
   * eu.geclipse.glite.wms (Pawel)
   * org.glite (Mathias, Pawel, George, ...)
   * org.globus (Mathias, Pawel, George, ...)

Please send me the result of your search as soon as possible. If you found 
additional or suspicious files please tell me about them. I want to submit 
complete Contribution Questionnaires for all of them during the next week.

Thanks and regards

Attachment: 20070614.license.xls
Description: application/msexcel

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