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Re: [europa-build-workshop] Model/Sample Build

Pete, just to clarify, the document you referenced was written by Markus Barchfeld, Zuehlke Engineering  with help from Pascal Rapicault and Sonia Dimitrov (Eclipse project  team).  I believe that if the article needs to be updated,  this can be done by the original author or the eclipse community.


Pete Mackie <pete@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: europa-build-workshop-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/19/2006 04:41 PM

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Europa Build Workshop <europa-build-workshop@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Europa Build Workshop <europa-build-workshop@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [europa-build-workshop] Model/Sample Build

The document below, that Kim references, is an excellent one. The PDE build document whopping 25 pages long. I'm glad it is available though. When it comes to providing a full definitive reference about the workings of PDE builds, this document fully meets that need.

We were able to get our ECF PDE headless build going using the document. In order to develop our PDE build for ECF, I studied this 25 page document as an occasional background effort for the better part of a month. Over this time frame, I learned that our required PDE build answers I needed were all indeed this document.

What I learned--the hard way, with many hours of effort--is that what I needed to know about the specific steps to create a PDE build can be narrowed down to two, possibly three pages.

One of my Europa Build Workshop Report => Common Build Infrastructure tasks is to get our ECF PDE build running under the Common Build Infrastructure (CBI). Presently I'm working on this development task. When this task is complete, I will provide a short two to four pages describing how we approached our PDE build for ECF under the CBI. At this time, I do not have an ETA for this document as my ECF / CBI work is a part-time task for me due to paying client commitments and documentation is one of the last task deliverables I will provide.

Please appreciate that I am not suggesting in any way that the Build and Test Automation for plug-ins and features document be replaced. Its a valuable a valuable reference. It should be Kim's judgement, not mine, on what needs to be refreshed.

Pete Mackie
Seaquest Software

At 12:19 PM 10/10/2006, Kim Moir wrote:

Another option might be to include a zip with examples with your article that people could use instead of including it in a cvs repository as a project.  That way you wouldn't be responsible for continually updating code to meet new requirements.  We used to try to keep our build scripts in a format that would allow other teams to use them as a templates.  We stopped doing this because it's extremely time consuming to help multiple teams get their builds started and it took too much time away from our other work :-)        
Here's a very compresensive existing article about setting about builds, but some of the content could be refreshed to account for new functionality.

Anyways, just my 2 cents.


Dave Wolfe <dwolfe@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: europa-build-workshop-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/10/2006 11:46 AM

Please respond to
Europa Build Workshop <europa-build-workshop@xxxxxxxxxxx>




[europa-build-workshop] Model/Sample Build

Hey All,

I drew the action item to write up a wiki page that pulls together the best practices, a living build, and a write up, to solicit a vote: October 15

We had originally considered using the DSDP-DD build as the model build since they had recently, successfully used the available resources and procedures to construct their build.

Since then they have been busy converting their build control over to Buckminster, so they may not be the best candidate for the Europa era best practices model.

So, to complete this action item I think we have three possibilities from here:

1) Find a different project to use as the model build

2) Wait for the DSDP folk to finish up their Buckminster work and include that in the model description

3) Create a new trivial Eclipse project as a sample project, construct its build to adhere to all the best practices of the Europan era, put it in the build stream, and write it up as the model build.

I favor option 3 since, to my eyes, it fits into the l model of Eclipse examples and tutorials that already exist.
It also makes the model build available for folks to download and tinker with and it could become the blank template from which one would start constructing their own build.
The con is that someone has to construct this thing, keep it up to date through Europa initially, then modify it in the future to meet any new best practices adopted in future releases.

In terms of downstream dependencies it might represent a small risk to the release.

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