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Re: [epp-dev] Photon RC1 EPP packages


On May 27, 2018, at 07:51, Andreas Sewe <andreas.sewe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

RC2 contains the 20 or so most popular Java tips. After that, creating
Tips is basically the responsibility of individual projects.

OK, so with RC2 we should see tips for Java? Great.

And yes, of course it's the responsibility of the projects to contribute
tips, I was just not sure whether *any* project had tips ready of Photon
already (Code Recommenders doesn't, for example). Maybe it's worth
documenting progress (and prodding projects for support) in a way
similar to

In addition to document progress somewhere. Can you also document a way that would allow crowdsourcing tips? Deferring it to just the projects seems like a limited approach. For example, the best tips I see on Twitter come from an account run by very enthusiastic volunteers but not the projects.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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