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[epp-dev] Code Recommenders: gathering information for potential package inclusions

Hi EPP-Dev,

after short conversation with Technology PMC we decided to join the annual release train for Juno. Markus Knauer told me that with joining the annual release train we may also be join some EPP packages - if there is a package owner willing to add Code Recommenders to their package.

Can any package owner imagine to integrate Code Recommenders into his package? If so, what requirements should we met? If not, it would be great to learn why.

What does Code Recommenders offer for annual release? 
We have several components that can be packaged separately (more details on request):

* Intelligent Method Call Completion & Method Overrides Completion
* Call Chain Completion
* Snipmatch 
* Extdoc Platform 
* Subwords Completion
* Usage Sharing Client to build continuously growing knowledge bases for intelligent completion + extdoc
* (maybe) new code search client + engine for Eclipse

A (not self-learning) version of Call Chain and Subwords Completion may already be handed over to JDT 3.8 until Juno. All tools work for Java only.

A video showing the above tool suite in action is available here:

PMC conversation about joining the release train:

Code Recommenders source code repository:


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