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Re: [epf-dev] NoMethodError in # when using EPF Wiki - baselineprocess, comments tab -

More on this. I've managed to get this working using the appropriate 202 config setting for relative_path.
As a reminder I'm trying to achieve a kind of mod_jk behaviour where apache is able to point different URLs to different external ruby instances running on different ports.
These ruby instances need to know what apache is naming them (their relative paths if you will) so they can generate the appropriate external links (e.g. for emails) and also for correct relative (to the server root) link creation. All standard stuff (if ive missed a trick here please let me know!)
I;ve had to apply a few hacks so far:
I have had to create "development", "test" and "production" symlinks within the public directory that point to "."
This lets most of the core portal behaviour work with with two epf wikis, one called test and one called development:
ProxyPass http://dse/test/ to http://localhost:3001/test/
However it seems the URL creation code where EPFWIKI_HOST is used to generate the wiki URLs (the activate your wiki sites) is assuming that the site lives at the root.
The code that is parsing this is:
From models/wiki.rb +195
  def url(absolute = false, request_host = ENV['EPFWIKI_HOST'])
    # TODO anomaly, the following line shouldn't be necessary but is, in some cases.
    # When this method is called from page.url request_host will be nil
    request_host = ENV['EPFWIKI_HOST'] if request_host.nil?
    logger.debug("url for site #{self.title}, absolute #{absolute.inspect}, request_host #{request_host.inspect}")
    s = "/#{ENV['EPFWIKI_WIKIS_FOLDER']}/#{self.folder}/index.htm"
    s = "http://#{request_host}#{s}" if absolute
    logger.debug("returning: #{s}")
The debug log for my site says the following:
url for site DSUP, absolute false, request_host "dse/test/"
returning: /test_wikis/dsup/index.htm
What is of note is the "absolute" value being false which prevents the main http://#{request_host}#{s}" being appended.
For now I am changing this to default to "true" in the signature in the hope that it wont break anything.
Another issue I have is that the actual wiki.js and css inserted by EPF hasnt got the correct path and therefore doesnt load:
<!-- epfwiki head start -->
<script src="/_javascript_s/prototype.js" type="text/_javascript_" language="_javascript_"></script>
<link href="/stylesheets/wiki.css" media="screen" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="/_javascript_s/wiki.js" type="text/_javascript_" language="_javascript_"></script>
When this is inserted i dont know, i.e. is it at runtime or during importing a new baseline.
I'm currently inspecting "models/page.rb" to see if i can find out.
I will keep you informed at to progress, I'm about 1 hour from giving up I think but I hate to be beaten, especially when im hacking a language I dont know!

From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John Allen
Sent: 02 March 2011 14:12
To: Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Subject: Re: [epf-dev] NoMethodError in # when using EPF Wiki - baselineprocess, comments tab -
Importance: High

I've finally got round to trying this but am getting an error that indicates relative_url_root doesnt live on ActionController::Base:Class.
A quick google hunt ( suggests that in version 2.0.2 rails it lived on a different class.
So to the question in hand, what rails version do you think i can run the wiki under? My colleague that installed it originally said he had problems using a more modern version of rails.
What version do you guys use?

From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Onno van der Straaten
Sent: 08 February 2011 14:36
To: Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Subject: Re: [epf-dev] NoMethodError in # when using EPF Wiki - baseline process, comments tab -

Hi John,
If you want to run from a sub folder you will need to change that but that won't be enough.

That variable is used for creating hyperlinks in emails that are send using a scheduled job. The job is of course unaware of the domain name and so forth. To make sure that links are correct you change that to
ENV['EPFWIKI_HOST'] = "localhost:3000/yourpath"

In addition to that you also need to add something like
config.action_controller.relative_url_root = '/yourpath'
to environment.rb to ensure that the Rails rooting will be working fine.
I have not tested this before so I'm not sure it will work. But if you want to try that I'm willing to help you fix any issues you might stumble upon along the way.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 3:19 PM, John Allen <John.allen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thanks Onno,
Will try that right now.
While I'm digging into that can I ask you another questions?
EPFWiki seems to assume its mapped to the root of the web server URL as when we use a ProxyPass setting that locates the wiki's under some other arbitrary prefix the wiki's pages don't load properly (my developer says that the web clients make requests for pages that don't exist).
It's very normal for a web app to ask what it's URL "root" is to prevent this issue. Is this what :
ENV['EPFWIKI_HOST'] = "localhost:3000" # used for jobs, when there is no host variable in the environment
Is for?
Thanks in advance,


From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Onno van der Straaten
Sent: 08 February 2011 14:11
To: Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Subject: Re: [epf-dev] NoMethodError in # when using EPF Wiki - baseline process, comments tab -

Hi John,
Hard to say from this alone. But can you try the following.

Open the file app/helpers/application_helper.rb and find the method link_to_comment. The method contains the following code
link_to(truncate(strip_tags(comment.text)), :controller => 'pages', :action ="" 'discussion', :site_folder =>, :id =>

Can you remove truncate, so change this line to
link_to(strip_tags(comment.text), :controller => 'pages', :action ="" 'discussion', :site_folder =>, :id =>

Restart the web server and try again. This problem could be related to so removing truncate can be a workaround.

If problems persist and this is a new installationI suggest you recreate the database and try again. Are you doing this on Windows or Linux?


On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 2:14 PM, John Allen <John.allen@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Can anyone suggest why we are getting this:

Showing comments/_comments_list.rhtml where line #26 raised:

undefined method `length' for #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0x2aae0e6db8e8>

Extracted source (around line #26):

23:                <% comment.review_note = 'Click to add...' if comment.review_note.blank? %>
24:              <tr>
25:                 <td><%= %></td>
26:                  <td><%= link_to_comment comment %></td>
27:                  <td><%= comment.created_on.strftime("%I:%M %p %d-%b-%y") %></td>        
28:                  <td><%= link_to_user comment.user %></td>        
29:                  <td><%= link_to_page %></td>

Trace of template inclusion: /sites/description.rhtml

RAILS_ROOT: /apps/epfwiki/epfwiki

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
/apps/epfwiki/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_view/helpers/text_helper.rb:50:in `truncate'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:248:in `link_to_comment'
app/views/comments/_comments_list.rhtml:26:in `_run_erb_47app47views47comments47_comments_list46rhtml'
app/views/comments/_comments_list.rhtml:22:in `each'
app/views/comments/_comments_list.rhtml:22:in `_run_erb_47app47views47comments47_comments_list46rhtml'
app/views/sites/description.rhtml:52:in `_run_erb_47app47views47sites47description46rhtml'
app/controllers/sites_controller.rb:144:in `comments'




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