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Re: [epf-dev] Bugzilla use

Per, thanks for the reply.

I agree with your point about creating different components and assign work to them. I see the following components:

- OpenUP (would include OpenUP/Basic and MDD issues today, plus any plug-in inside OpenUP in the future)
- XP (would include work to be done with XP plug-in)
- other components for content, as needed
- Tool (as defined today, may create a Wiki component later)
- Documentation (as defined today)
- Website (as defined today)

In terms of tagging the TargetMilestone field with a letter for each component, this may substantially increase the number of available items in that field and cause some confusion, IMHO.

I checked with Charlie Yan, and the tool team is using numbering a bit different than what I had proposed below. For them, 1.0.1 does not mean first iteration of release 1.0. That's the whole release number. They will likely stick to the usual way we did for first release of EPF, meaning they will likely have 1.1 M1, 1.1 M2, and so on (using a Milestone number for each iteration in their plan).

Since OpenUP is on release 0.9, we could reuse the old tags for OpenUP, meaning all current bugs would be assigned to TargetMilestone 1.0. As we go through the iterations planning, we move the bugs to 1.0 M1, 1.0 M2, and so on, until we release OpenUP 1.0.

That would make TargetMilestone tags more generic and any component could use (and reuse) those tags that way.
How is that?


Ricardo Balduino
Senior Software Engineer

IBM - RUP Team | EPF Committer

Per Kroll/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/18/2006 08:49 AM

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Re: [epf-dev] Bugzilla use


this makes sense to me. I think we want to avoid duplicating information in a spreadsheet, last time was not a success, and not because of lack of trying... :)

We should check with other teams if there are solutions to the burndown, sizing and estimating problem used by other teams.

Also, do we need to worry about having releases / iteration that are potentially different from the tool component? They are on 1.0, we are on 0.9. The Component field can be used to filter out, but I wonder if we need to put an "O" into the TargetM field, so we have "O1.0", "O1.0.1", "O1.0.2", etc.

Also, we should update the Components to call out each indivudal process component. So, rather than havgin Content as a component, we should consider having OpenUP as one component, and XP as another component. If we have DSDM or XP content written as extensions to OpenUP, I suggest that the component that work belong to is OpenUP, so the base will determine the component work is assigned to, not the origin of the source IP.

Makes sense?


Per Kroll
STSM, Manager Methods: RUP / RMC
Project Lead: Eclipse Process Framework
Rational Software, IBM Corp
(M) 408-219-2963

Ricardo Balduino/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/17/2006 07:33 PM

Please respond to
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[epf-dev] Bugzilla use

Hi OpenUP committers,

I was revisiting Bugzilla to do bug triage after our 0.9 release. After a bit of investigation through the Bugzilla help and checking with the Composer team, I found we were misusing the Version field in Bugzilla.

This field if for the version where you found the bug, not the version where you plan to deliver the fix. Sadly, we're not going to revisit the 200+ bugs we already dealt with for Release 0.9 :-)

Now, I'd like to throw out some ideas for a more consistent use of Bugzilla, thus leading us to better assignment of tasks and status reporting.

For the current 76 bugs in there (status varying from NEW to VERIFIED) and new to come, the Version field should be set to 0.9, and the Target Milestone could be set (initially) to 1.0 (which is the next planned OpenUP/Basic release.

We would interpret this as being our Work Items List: you file a bug (or enhancement) against the current version, it goes to the list, and it is prioritized/assigned to the current release (being worked) or future releases.

Then, as we move through the iterations, this Target Milestone field would show what iteration, in that particular release, the element is planned for.
For example, a bug is assigned to :
      - Target Milestone 1.0.1, 1.0.2, etc. (meaning release 1.0, iteration 1, 2, etc.) OR

      - Target Milestone 1.0 - I1, 1.0 - I2, etc (I kind of like the first notation better)

This information would help us to generate a report showing the Iteration Plan. Unfortunately, I don't see any easy way to extract burndown information in graphic format as we used to have in excel sheets, but the source of information is (officially) one, so no maintenance overhead. To be fair, there may be some ways to show what has been fixed, resolved, closed in a given period of time, like the report we have available in the OpenUP downloads area of EPF web site.

Please, let me know if you have ideas or comments. If you like it, I volunteer to change these fields in Bugzilla in the next few days. New additions should then follow this proposition.

Does it sound like a plan?


Ricardo Balduino
Senior Software Engineer

IBM - RUP Team | EPF Committer
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