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[epf-dev] Intro page

Hi Steve,

As you recall, at Wednesday's status meeting I expressed the concern that the intro graphic, while cool, introduces another set of things that look a lot like the disciplines, which could be confusing.  To address this concern, Per has agreed to draft up some pages for each of these areas.

After Sept 30, we can further explore my proposal to align these areas with the disciplines.
(For reference, here is what I had in mind - although from informal discussions, it looks like it will take a while to gel):
- rename "Intent" to be "Requirements", to match the discipline
- Solution would have sub-disciplines of Implementation, Test, AnD, and later deployment.
- Management would have CM and Project Management, and later Environment.
- Communication and Collaboration becomes a new discipline that describes general concepts and responsibilities of all team members.
For now, the Any Role and "submit a change request" would be in this discipline.  Longer term would be general review procedures, guidance on scrums, searching for reusable assets and
providing feedback, resolving conflict, etc.)

Hope that works for you.


Bruce MacIsaac
Manager - RUP/OpenUP Content
phone: (408)863-8718

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