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Re: [egit-dev] Short read of block / Repo Dead?

I did some more experiments and found that cloning over https and ssh through Gerrit works,
cloning over git protocol and web access over c-git seems to be broken:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'egit'...
remote: Counting objects: 40634, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (40634/40634)
remote: Total 40634 (delta 16141), reused 35462 (delta 16141)
Receiving objects: 100% (40634/40634), 33.96 MiB | 341 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16141/16141), done.
Checking out files: 100% (1386/1386), done.

$ rm -rf egit/
$ git clone ssh://d029788@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/egit/egit.git
Cloning into 'egit'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
[d029788@wdfm00251943a testegit]$ git clone ssh://msohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/egit/egit.git
Cloning into 'egit'...
Identity added: /Users/d029788/.ssh/id_rsa (/Users/d029788/.ssh/id_rsa)
remote: Counting objects: 40634, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (40634/40634)
remote: Total 40634 (delta 16141), reused 35462 (delta 16141)
Receiving objects: 100% (40634/40634), 33.96 MiB | 1.07 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (16141/16141), done.
Checking out files: 100% (1386/1386), done.

$ cd egit/
$ git fsck --full
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
Checking objects: 100% (40634/40634), done.

$ cd ..
$ rm -rf egit/
$ git clone git://
Cloning into 'egit'...
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed

web access via c-gitĀ looks damaged

@webmaster: something seems to be wrong here, could you please check
the egit repository ?


2012/9/10 Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@xxxxxxxxxx>
Yes, "now" it also works for me. I had the same temporary issues last Saturday.

Still looks like something is broken with the repo.


From: Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Daniel Megert/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH,
Cc: egit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 10.09.2012 16:28
Subject: Re: [egit-dev] Short read of block / Repo Dead?

2012/9/10 Daniel Megert <daniel_megert@xxxxxxxxxx>
I get "Short read of block" when pulling or fetching from the 'egit' repository and looking at:
the repo seems in a very bad state.

which protocol do you use ? I just successfully tried to fetch using
the following configuration

[remote "origin"]
url = "">
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
fetch = +refs/notes/review:refs/notes/review
push = HEAD:refs/for/masterĀ 



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