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Re: [egit-dev] [mylyn-reviews-dev] what does gerrit connector use to list projects?

Hi Shawn,

This is an issue that is near and dear to my heart - although I have
_completely_ dropped the ball while the EGit team has done alot of heavy
lifting on my behalf[1].  :-(

When Matthias and I initially exchanged emails about "import from
Gitblit" he suggested that a standard server interface coupled with a
standard EGit import might be appropriate.  That sounded great.  The
plan then diverged a bit to allow UI specialization and custom
repository sources which also sounded good.

I have reviewed EGit master with Stefan's changes for the clone wizard
and source providers.  My conclusion is I have no idea how to hack on
Eclipse/EGit and I have very low motivation to dive into it with the
spare time I have available.  To that point I am considering
implementing your new "/project/" REST interface (and possibly your
existing interface) so Gitblit can masquerade as Gerrit to EGit.  I have
no problem conforming to Gerrit's specification if it means I get free
repository enumeration in Eclipse.  Of course the downside to that is
instructing Gitblit users to "import from Gerrit" which feels wrong but
is a means-to-an-end.

I still think it would be useful for EGit to specify a generic REST/JSON
repository enumeration mechanism that Gitblit (and others) can implement
(maybe this is the time?).  There are advantages to customization
(pretty icons, messages, etc), but the basics are all the same so why
_force_ multiple implementations if a basic/common implementation can

Do you have a sample of your JSON output?  It looks like it should be a
GSON-serialized List<ProjectLine> with a special prefix.  It also looks
like your servlet takes into account authentication and repository
authorization which fits my needs too.



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