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[egit-dev] Added commands for keybinding


I'm crazy about key bindings, and not having them for EGit was driving
me loco, so I took a go at adding them.

It's a pretty horrible implementation, IMHO, but it's working well.

Should I just send a patch for review or some-such?  I've created a
github repo at:

In case that's easiest.

I'm super new to Git in general.  As in weeks of experience.  And 95%
of what I've done with Git, I've done through EGit. :)

I'm not even sure how to create a patch yet, honestly.  I'll RTFM that
bridge when I cross it.

I won't be offended at all if the code is not up to par for inclusion.
 The changes are minimal-ish and I can just keep rocking the fork for
a while.

If you guys are insane enough to consider using what I've come up
with, that's fine by me, and I can try to add any missing comments or
needed edits or whatever.

Just wanted to toss it out there in case it's helpful at all or
whatnot.  Maybe someone was already working towards this stuff and
it'll give ideas or something.


Cutting up fowl to predict the future is, if done honestly and with as
little interpretation as possible, a kind of randomization. But
chicken guts are hard to read and invite flights of fancy or
Ian Hacking

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