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[egit-dev] Gerrit Commits


I looked at the new Git URLs via HTTP. I like that way of quickly
browsing what's going on in a repository. But something that really
bugged me were a few commits made by a "Code Review" user. I tend to
call them anonymous commits because there is no indication where it came
from (just a cryptic id) nor who approved and committed it.

It reminds me of some old days where we used to had a build user in
ClearCase and from time to time people committed changes they made on
the build machine using that users. IMHO this is really bad style guide
of using a VCS.

Is there any possibility to allow Gerrit to make commits "on behalf of"
an actual user? I think that "author" and "committer" should be
meaningful values but not "Code Review <codereview-daemon@xxxxxxxxxxx>".

BTW, what are those commits? They don't seem to have a commitdiff but
they indicate something changed in the repository.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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