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Re: [eclipselink-users] stackoverflow in eclipselink

Hi Yannick,

  To help diagnose this, I'll need more detail about the queries.

Specifically, what query are you running? (i.e. what does the JPQL or Criteria code look like)

Specifically, how is the chain of objects you are retrieving mapped (paying specific attention to mappings for relationships)?


Yannick Majoros wrote:

Le 28/06/2011 14:28, Tom Ware a écrit :

The most common reason people run into stack overflow exceptions is disabling the cache and then accessing a cycle of EAGER mappings (or accessing a chain of LAZY mappings without weaving enabled)

cache isn't disabled. It's an EJB/JPA application: EAR, about 20 modules maintained by different persons. Some come has been ported from toplink (= still using eclipselink api).

  What version of EclipseLink are you using?

The one included in Glassfish 3.1

  What query are you running?  Are there any hints?

No hints, lazy/eager annotations.

How are the objects retreived by the query mapped (including objects they are related to)?

Some in a lazy way, most using jpa but some with native api.

  How have you set up the EclipseLink cache?

  What are your logging settings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns=""; xmlns:xsi=""; xsi:schemaLocation="";>
<persistence-unit name="EpcPU" transaction-type="JTA">
<property name="" value="Oracle"/>
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="WARNING" />
<property name="eclipselink.logging.level.sql" value="FINE" />
<property name="eclipselink.logging.parameters" value="true" />

Entities and persistence.xml are in a jar that is included in every ejb module (at least), which makes it a shared persistence unit.

Thank you,

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